Monday, October 15, 2012

T-Mobile (take 2)

Here is a chat I had with a T-Mobile representative. I had called previously to request an Unlock code for my old T-Mobile smartphone, an HTC HD2. (That was before I began contributing to this blog, so there's no 'Part 1.') They put in the request, and I was told I needed to call back to retrieve it. The following is the interaction I had with their chat representative.

Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
You have been connected to Leah D.
Josh: I requested an Unlock Code last week, and need to retrieve it. Can you assist?
Leah D:  Hi good morning Mr. S----, welcome to T-Mobile Live Chat. I'm Leah, my Rep ID is ******, because your satisfaction is extremely important to us, I want to ensure that I am addressing any concerns you may have with your unlock code and I can certainly help you check that on my end. May I confirm if this is for line 5048 please/
Josh:  That is correct. However, it's for an OLD phone that I no longer use.
Leah D:  Thank you so much. I fully understand and kindly give me a few moments to review your records.
Josh:  I have a reference number if that will help
Leah D:  Thank you for waiting, yes please?
Josh:  [redacted]
Leah D:  Perfect! Let me go ahead and verify the status please bear with me for a moment.
Leah D:  To better assist you, can you please provide me the password listed on your account?
Josh:  [redacted]
Leah D:  That is correct and thank you.
Leah D:  Unfortunately, we are unable to provide the unlock code at this time. After review of the account we have determined that the device is not in use with the corresponding mobile number. T-Mobile policies and procedures state that the device must be in use on the mobile number requesting the unlock code. If this is a new device please allow 3-4 business days prior to submitting a new request to allow your usage to update in our system. May I have your phone's IMEI? You can find out the 15-digit IMEI to the phone by dialing *#06# on the phone, or checking under the battery.
Josh:  Right, it's an OLD phone that I no longer use, and I would like to unlock so I can sell it. It does not currently have a SIM in it.
Josh:  Are you saying that I need to replace the SIM chip and let the phone register on the network in order to get an unlock code?
Leah D:  I truly understand. However, there are requirements that needs to be met in order for us to process an unlock code.
Josh:  I understand that you have requirements. I am asking what they are.
Leah D:  I would like to check the IMEI number please? In that way I can provide the best resolution to it.
Josh:  IMEI is ***********2737 (the 2 is blurred, so it might be a different number)
Leah D:  I can understand. Can you try to locate the correct IMEI number by dialing *#06#?
Josh:  Without a SIM in the phone, it doesn't allow me to dial * or #. I'll take the SIM from my current phone and place it in the old one.
Josh:  Hang on a minute
Josh:  ***********8737 01
Leah D:  Thank you so much. Kindly give me a moment to check if we have this number on file please.
Leah D:  I am still checking your phone's serial number, please bear with me for another moment.
Leah D:  I am still here.
Josh:  So am I.
Leah D:  And I do appreciate your patience for I need to make sure of this.
Leah D:  Is this your HTC HD2 phone?
Josh:  Yes
Leah D:  Thank you. Okay, looks like I can go ahead with the unlock request. The next steps in the process are a little long, but you can e-mail this chat to yourself with the "Print/E-mail" button and review it later.

Please be advised that T-Mobile cannot guarantee a response time or an unlock code for all equipment. The T-Mobile SIM Unlock Team will handle this request once I've filed it. It can take up to 14 days to receive the information from a manufacturer. SIM unlock codes are not always available for every device, but T-Mobile contacts the manufacturer if necessary to obtain the information. If the SIM Unlock Team and the manufacturer’s database cannot provide an unlock code, the device may need to be exchanged or upgraded in order to receive an unlock code. The T-Mobile SIM Unlock Team will e-mail you when the request is completed, denied, or delayed.

If we are able to complete your request, the SIM Unlock Team will e-mail you the SIM unlock code and instructions for unlocking the device to the e-mail address you have provided. In the event the e-mail is deleted, corrupted or lost, or if you have any difficulty following the instructions in the e-mail, we have a copy sent to the memos on your account. As such, they will remain available so that we we can assist you further.

Please be aware that your e-mail service may block the e-mail. To prevent the e-mail from being blocked, please be sure to allow e-mails from:

First name: ARSystem
Last name: Notify

You can also find more information on a SIM unlock code by going to or by searching for "SIM unlock" or "unlock" on

Can you please provide me an e-mail address and a callback number for us to get in touched with?
Josh:  Email is [redacted]
Josh:  Callback number is [redacted].
Josh:  Those should both be on file as my contact information.
Leah D:  The main reason I asked for the correct IMEI number, will resolve this request. Thank you so much. One moment, please.
Leah D:  Please bear with me for another moment.
Leah D:  Unlock Request #[redacted] has been submitted for processing. The request will be processed within 24 hours. Please be advised if the unlock code is unavailable in our database it can take up to 14 days to receive a response from the manufacturer. This will now provide you a correct code. Have I fully resolved your issue today?
Josh:  Yes. I guess so.
Leah D:  I’m glad we were able to take care of that for you and I truly appreciate it, Mr. S****. Thank you for contacting T-Mobile Chat, and thanks for being part of our family. Have a great day!

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